Library in the Socio-Cultural Space of Polyethnic OTG: on Conceptualization of Sociological Research

Z. Ibrahimova


The aim of the work is a sociological analysis of the problems and factors of library development in the socio-cultural space of the region to establish the actual needs of ethnocultural groups of the population in the services of the library system.

Research methodology. During the study, the following methods were used: descriptive, analysis, synthesis, structural. Based on an examination of Ukrainian and international practices of introducing development models and positioning the best experience of close cooperation between libraries and local communities by using the method of comparative analysis, factors influencing the functions of the library system, transforming its social role in society and the nature of interaction with various ethnocultural regional groups have been established.

Results. The work provides a sociological interpretation of the library as a communication and sociocultural institution and a multifunctional information center for communication of modern communities, functions and guidelines for the development of the library system under the influence of sociocultural changes. The need for a sociological definition of the essential influence of external factors and the creation of appropriate models for the embodiment of modernization projects in the library practice of multi-ethnic regions of the country is stated.

Novelty. The scientific novelty of the work lies in establishing the relationship between the regional specificity of the intercultural OTG and the state of library services for national groups of the population.

Practical value. The research results can be used for comprehensive sociological research and the development of practical measures to activate local communities to advocate for cultural rights, as a means of developing constructive dialogue in multi-ethnic societies, to develop sociological criteria for studying the impact of reform and the creation of OTGs on the functions of the library system as a component of programs for the development of intercultural interaction in multinational regions.

Key words: socio-cultural regional space, multinational community, library system, sociological interpretation, sociological research.


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