Mediatization in the Context of Professional Becoming of Future Media Specialists: Analytical and Prognostic Aspect
The purpose of the article is to attempt to outline the multi-vector nature of modern scientific approaches to the preconditions and consequences of mediatization of the younger generation and to determine the features of this process during the professional becoming of future media experts.
Methodology of the research. To achieve the purpose of the research, the following methods were used: descriptive, analysis and synthesis, generalization – to identify a number of terms and to outline a multi-vector definition of the «mediatization» term. Inductive and system methods were also used, which allowed to define mediatization as an objective condition for professional becoming of future media experts, risks of leveling humanistic ideals and values in the content of video materials, negative impact of massification processes on those who are in charge of future media landscape as well as future of information society. An interdisciplinary approach was used in the research of the legal regulation issue of audiovisual content and the complex mechanism of media influence on the border of communicative studies, media culture, media psychology. We also use statistical methods when processing the survey results of future media experts.
Results. The results of the research showed that scientists consider mediatization as one of the leading trends in society development, but it is time to comprehend this process in the framework of changes taking place both at the level of the globalized world and within local, in particular, professional communities. The results of a survey of future media experts demostrated that young people spend a few hours a day watching videos, while most respondents use social networks to watch videos and consider a multimedia form of video content consumption as the most convenient. Respondents allocate only one tenth of the time of the total video content consumption to watching journalistic products on socio-political and acute social issues. Thus, there is a need for pedagogically-driven adjustment of mediatization of future media experts in the process of their professional training.
Novelty. The scientific novelty of the article is an attempt to outline for the first time the features of mediatization in the context of the professional becoming of future media experts.
Practical significance. The results of the research can be used to review of the professional disciplines’ content, including «Media Psychology», «Media Education», «Television Journalism», «Audio and Video Production», and «Directing Practicum», to select new formats of individual work, in particular to develop author's video projects with wide discussion of their subjects, formats, and means of promotion.
Key words: media, mediatization, audiovisual product, media experts.Full Text:
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