Convergence of an Audio Image as an Important Aspect of Communicative Efficiency (the Case of «Same Tam» Radio Program, NV Radio)
The aim of this study is to analyze the convergence of the audio image of Iryna Lopatina’s «Viina, Yaka Gvaltuie» («The War That Rapes») audio movie in the «Same Tam» («Right There») radio program on Radio NV. This radio project won the «Chest profesii» («The Honour of the Profession») journalism competition in the «Best Audio Content» nominated category (July 2020).
Research methodology. By using monitoring method, data interpretation method, comparative historical method, and analysis of up-to-date scientific information method, we were able to make a conclusion that Iryna Lopatina managed to create a complex multi-layered audio image of the War in the «Viina, Yaka Gvaltuie» radio project in the «Same Tam» news and reports radio program on Radio NV. The author of the program experimented with the audio image.
Results. The «Viina, Yaka Gvaltuie» radio project is characterized by genre hybridism, propensity to convergence and visualization. Having chosen the audio movie format, which is the result of mixing the communicative practices of radio and TV, the journalist created a high-quality media product that can be an exemplar of efficient communication. At the modern stage of program functioning, the design of their audio image is complicated; the variety of media used by the journalists, program authors, and sound producers for expression to reach specific media effects is growing. The audio image is created as a result of active diffusion of the techniques and media for presenting the information and, hence, convergence becomes a significant aspect of efficient radio communication.
The originality of the research is determined by asserting that Iryna Lopatina’s audio movie has become an undeniable proof that radio talk format embodied in an original project can make a claim of being an efficient radio communication and an exemplar of high-quality media product.
Practical significance. The findings of the study can be used by the journalist practitioners to enhance the quality and communication efficiency of their original radio programs.
Key words: audio image, convergence, original radio project, audio movie, genre hybridism, visualization, communication efficiency.
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