Social Narratives in Modern Ukrainian Political Caricature

G. Volynets, S. Albinovska


The purpose of the study is to identify and characterize social narratives in modern Ukrainian political cartoons («NV» and «» web sites) for 2015–2020).

Research methodology. In the course of the research the following methods were used: method of monitoring and analysis of documentary sources («NV» and «» web sites in
20152020); descriptive method, structural-typological one in the study of genre-typological features of caricature; method of generalization to determine the patterns of modern political caricature development; elements of the classification method to characterize the image creation in a satirical drawing.

Results. The visual and pictorial complex of print media has repeatedly been the subject of scientific research, but caricature as a pictorial genre of modern journalism, including features of image creation, mythologizing of public opinion, mechanisms of meanings incorporation  they do not yet have a deep thorough comprehension. The development of these issues will allow determining the main narratives of modern political caricature, to clarify the visual and thematic transformations in caricatures on political topics. Analyzing the socio-political «NV» and «» media resources, we found the following patterns: the active use of grotesque cartoons of famous politicians, the use of allusions  borrowing and rethinking of images-symbols (Biblical, mythological, folklore, cinema ones, etc.). Modern visualization of political satire demonstrates the combination of classical artistic and visual means with the latest ideas and approaches to the content implementation. The main method of political satire is still the use of grotesque cartoon  a modified portrait of a famous politician. Caricatures use such artistic means as metaphor, personification, stereotyping, allusion, grotesque, etc. Important semantic elements in the cartoon are the symbols and images-symbols, which help to present the stand-alone information blocks concisely and clearly.

Novelty. The article on the «NV» and «» web-sites material characterizes social narratives in modern Ukrainian political caricature. The analysis and description of political caricature is carried out, features of image creation, their functions, etc. are defined.

Practical significance. The results of the study can be used for further research on pictorial genres of journalism.

Key words: visual and pictorial genres of journalism, visual content, political caricature, drawing (grotesque cartoon, caricature).


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