Homogenization of Content in Media Representations of Belarusian Events: the Experience of the European Media
The purpose of the study was to highlight the phenomenon of content homogenization in the European media on the example of media reception of Belarusian events.
Research methodology. In the process of the research, general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalisation and special scientific method of content monitoring were used. A continuous sample of publications from the 10th of August to the 10th of November 2020, selected by the «Belarus», «Belarusian protests» and «Lukashenko» keywords revealed a tendency of conceptual connection between the post-election events in Belarus and the events of the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine. The common sampling consisted of the online versions of «Die Welt», «Die Zeit», FAZ; «The Guardian», «The Independent», «The Daily Telegraph» and «Le Monde» newspapers for the specified period.
Results. It was found that the events that unfolded in Belarus after the rigged elections are perceived through the prism of «Maidan» and «Revolution of Dignity» concepts. The experience of Ukraine in the Maidan period is broadcast in the discursive field of media representations of protesting Belarus. It is concluded that vertical Europeanization causes content homogenization caused by the European Union media policy, while horizontal Europeanization is a consequence of the traditions of information that have developed in the European media, as well as a product of Western European public sphere. The media manifestations of the differentiation of political Europe into West and East are pointed out, which is due to the effective We / They binary opposition.
Novelty. For the first time the peculiarities of media reception of Belarusian events by the European media in the context of content homogenization are presented.
Practical significance. The results and conclusions of the study complement the theoretical discourse of the «Social Communications» scientific field, can be used in specialised courses for the «Journalism» specialty.
Key words: media policy, content homogenization, media discourse, mediatization of Belarusian events.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2020.4(44).7
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