The purpose of the article is to outline the main directions of formation of interest in book, in particular Spanish one, by Ukrainian TV channels on the example of the «1+1» channel.
Research methodology. In the course of the research general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization were used to outline the main directions of formation of interest in world literature, in particular Spanish one, and formulation of conclusions; monitoring the air of the «1+1» TV channel and the content of its website to identify information material dedicated to literary events, in particular regarding the Spanish book.
Results. In the formation of interest in the Spanish book on Ukrainian television on the example of the «1+1» TV channel the following main directions were identified: mention of the new publications launch in the «TSN» news programs; mention of events in literary life and the release of new publications in the «Snidanok z 1+1» (Breakfast With 1+1) morning show; news stories about literature, books, libraries in the educational program about travel «Svit na Vyvorit» (The World Inside Out); announcements of films based on Spanish works and about Spanish authors in the «Arhument-kino» (Argument-cinema) entertainment project; inclusion of documentaries and feature films based on Spanish works and about Spanish authors in the broadcast schedule; publication of materials on the official website in the «TSN. Knyzhky» (TSN. Books) section; participation in the #книголав project. In general, there is not enough content on Ukrainian television air on Spanish books, while Spain has literature exposure to which will help raise the cultural level of Ukrainians and broaden their horizons.
Novelty. The main directions of formation of interest in the Spanish book on the Ukrainian television on an example of the «1+1» TV channel are allocated.
Practical meaning. The formulated conclusions can be the basis for further research and used in the educational process in higher education institutions that train journalists.
Key words: Spanish book, Spanish literature, book, «1+1» TV channel, Ukrainian television.
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