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Author Guidelines
submitted to the professional edition
of Classic Private University
«State and Regions. Series: Social Communications»
The edition accepts articles written in Ukrainian or English, which have not been previously published and have not been submitted for publication in other editions, prepared at a high scientific level, of significant theoretical and practical importance. The content of the articles should be consistent with the profile and focus of the edition.
Topical sections of the journal:
Theory and history of social communications.
Theory, history and practice of journalism.
Theory and history of publishing and editing.
Applied socio-communication technologies.
Media education.
The article should be designed in the following order:
1. Topical section.
2. Index of Universal Decimal Classification (UDC).
3. Title of the article (no more than 10 words; without abbreviations; corresponds to the article’s content).
4. Initials, last name of the author(-s).
5. The name of the educational institution or research institution where the research has been performed, their mailing address.
6. Abstract (1800–2000 printed characters with spaces) and key words (5–10 words) in the original language. Annotation should include the following sections: The purpose of the study, Research methodology, Results, Novelty, The practical significance.
7. The text of the article, structured in accordance with the requirements of Resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine from 15.01.2003 №7-05/01 and traditions of the journal.
І. Introduction The problem statement should reflect the relevance of the subject matter, its connection with the most important theoretical, scientific and practical tasks, the importance of the development of a certain field of science and practice. The analysis of the latest researches and publications should contain references to reputable scholars involved in the research of the relevant scientific problem, a brief overview of the main studies and publications available in the list of sources attached to the scientific article referred to by the author, a synthesis of modern opinions concerning the problem. The analysis of studies and publications are completed by the allocation of discussion points, the difficulties in developing this issue, the unsolved tasks within the general problem considered to the article. ІІ. Problem setting and research methods The aim of the article is a description of the main idea of the publication, the ways it differs, complements and deepens already known approaches, and highlights new facts and regularities; the aim of the article arises from the statement of the general problem and the review of previously performed research. Research methods indicating the results achieved by the authors through their use. ІІІ. Results The main material of the research is the main part of the article, which covers the main statements and results of scientific research, personal ideas, opinions, obtained scientific facts, developed scientific methodological approaches and results of their approbation, methods to get and analyse the actual material. IV. Conclusions The article should conclude with specific conclusions and recommendations that briefly summarize the material presented in the main part and/or the prospect of further research. |
8. List of sources used is provided according to the National Standards of Ukraine 8302:2015 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules of drafting”. The list is written in the original language in alphabetical order. All quotation references must be mentioned in the text. Any statistics data must be mentioned in the reference page. Quotations in the text are indicated only in square brackets, for example: [1; 2], [1, p. 20], [1, p. 20; 2, p. 30–31].
The list of sources should contain at least ten titles; in addition, foreign sources are desirable. It is recommended to use quotations from the journals included in international scientific databases, in particular, Scopus, Web of Science and Index Copernicus.
The editorial board recommends to avoid references to:
laws, regulations, instructions and other enactments because the subject of discussion and the opponent are unclear;
textbooks and tutorials, especially published earlier, as it is unclear which the latest developments or subject of discussion the author of the article (the scientist!) found in the student textbook (!);
studies from 7–10 years ago and more, since this does not indicate the relevance of the research and does not allow to talk about the completeness of the problem. Such quotations are relevant in the fundamental works (monographs, textbooks), where the history of the origin and development of the topic can be considered. The journal articles should include the most recent results of the world research;
The attention of international community of the scientists is drawn to the lack of references to the papers published in well-known international journals, because in this case, the review of the researched problem is carried out by the author within one country, which does not allow considering the completeness and significance of the research results presented in the article.
9. References (in Latin characters) is written as an absolutely separate unit, repeating the list of sources provided in the national language, regardless the presence of foreign sources in it. If there are quotations to foreign publications, they are completely repeated in the references given in the Latin characters.
References are made in accordance with the APA (American Psychological Association (APA) Style) international standard, when the year of publication is in round brackets after the author’s name. It is impossible to use the curly quotes in the description elements (only straight (" ")), or replace the Latin characters with Cyrillic ones.
It is recommended to use automatic transliteration systems:
– the transliteration of the Ukrainian text in Latin letters is carried out in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 55 dated January 27, 2010. (;
– the transliteration of the Russian text in Latin letters is carried out by means of US State Department system (
10. After the References the following information should be provided in ENGLISH:
- Title of the article.
- Initials, last name of the author(-s).
It is obligatory to provide the author (-s) first name and last name in English in accordance with the international passport or other official documents. It is due to the need for the correct writing of the author(-s) first name and last name in all of his/her publications in order to correctly determine the quotation index. |
- The name of the educational institution or research institution where the research has been performed, their mailing address.
- Author (-s) e-mail.
- Extended abstract (1800–2000 characters, including key words) in English (or in Ukrainian, if the article is written in English).
11. After that the following information should be provided in POLISH:
- Title of the article.
- Initials, last name of the author (-s).
- The name of the educational institution or research institution where the research has been performed, their mailing address.
- Author(-s) e-mail.
- Extended abstract (1800–2000 characters, including key words) in Russian, identical to the one, presented in the beginning.
12. Date of the article receiving.
A digital version of the article is prepared and presented as a file created using the Microsoft Word text editor in *.doc, *.docx format.
When writing an article, do not use text styling, pagination and hyphenation.
Page parameters – A4 size; portrait orientation; all margins are 20 mm each.
Requirements for the structural elements of the article:
Index of Universal Decimal Classification (UDC): font – Times New Roman; font style – bold; effects – all caps; size – 14; line spacing – 1,5; special indentation – none; alignment – left.
Title of the article: font – Times New Roman; font style – bold; effects – all caps; size – 14; line spacing – 1,5; special indentation – none; alignment – center. Title of the article is written after Universal Decimal Classification Index in one line spacing.
Information about the author(-s): font – Times New Roman; font style – regular; size – 14; spacing – 1,5; special indentation – none; alignment – right. Initials and last name of the author(-s) are written after the article’s title in one line spacing.
Abstract, key words: font – Times New Roman; font style – italic; size – 14; spacing – 1,5; special indentation – 1,25 mm; alignment – justified. The abstract is written after the name of the educational institution or research institution where the research has been performed, in one line spacing. Key words are written after the abstract, without line spacing. The «Key words» word group is highlighted in bold italic font style.
Basic text: font – Times New Roman; font style – regular; size – 14; spacing – 1,5; special indentation – 1,25 mm; alignment – justified. The basic text of the article is written after key words in one line spacing.
Illustrations: figures should be positioned with center alignment, without text wrapping and bleed. Schemes and charts are without gradient fill effects. Each figure or chart must have the quotation in the text. The edition only publishes black and white images.
Figure titles: font – Times New Roman; font style – regular; size – 14; spacing – 1,5; special indentation – none; alignment – center.
Tables should be positioned with central page alignment, without text wrapping and bleed. They should be compact, have the title and number. Tables must be presented in the article directly after the text, where they are mentioned at first. Each table in the text must have the quotations.
Table number: font – Times New Roman; font style – regular; size – 14; spacing – 1,5; special indentation – none; alignment – right.
Table title: font – Times New Roman; font style – bold; size – 14; alignment – center.
Table content: font – Times New Roman; font style – regular; size – 12; spacing – 1; special indentation – none.
Formulas must be written in MathType editor. They are positioned in a new line after the text. The text after the formula is also positioned in a new line. Each formula in the text must have the quotations. The formulas which have the quotation, are numbered in Arabic numerals in round brackets on the right side.
References are presented after the basic text of the article in one line spacing.
Title: font – Times New Roman; font style – bold; effects – all caps; size – 14; spacing –1,5; special indentation – none; alignment – center.
List of sources: font – Times New Roman; font style – regular; size – 14; spacing –1,5; special indentation – none; alignment – center.
THE ARTICLE LENGTH – 12–20 pages (0,5–1 authors sheets) (with abstracts, tables, figures and references); overview article – up to 20 pages; report or review – up to 3 pages. The last page of the article should be full with the text at least for 3/4.
INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHOR(-S) should be attached in a separate file in Ukrainian and English languages. The file must contain the following data (without abbreviations): author’s last name, first name, patronymic name, ORСID, Scopus Author ID, scientific degree, academic title, a position of the author indicating the organization unit and the name of institution, mailing address, phone number, e-mail, “Nova Poshta” location for receiving the author’s copy.
Organizational aspects:
If the article is written in collaboration, a STATEMENT signed by all co-authors and indicating their individual contribution is mandatory.
The article manuscript should be sent to E-MAIL:
The printed version of the article should be sent to:
«State and Regions. Series: Social Communications» editorial board
Classic Private University,
Zhukovskoho str, 70b,
69002, Zaporizhzhia
For enquiries, call: +38 (067) 26-06-809
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Since 2013, all electronic versions of the journal are stored in the National Library of Ukraine named after VI Vernadsky of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and presented on the portal in the information resource "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine".
Indexing of the journal in scientometric databases:
The publication is indexed by Citefactor: 2019/2020: 4,54.
The journal is indexed by Google Scholar.
In 2020, the journal was included in the Index Copernicus.
The journal is indexed by Innospace Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 2016: 5,899, 2017: 6,435, 2018: 7,037, 2019: 7,431
From 2020, the collection is indexed by ResearchBib.
Journal included in the PKP Index.