T. Hyrina, K. Shtyk-Matvienko


The purpose of the study is to understand the prospects for radio broadcasting development in the current conditions of turbulence in the information space of Ukraine.

Research methodology. The research methodological apparatus is based on the use of the central method of a non-representative survey in the form of a questionnaire using the electronic service «Google Forms» (83 respondents). Methods of analysis, induction, and generalization were used to understand the quantitative results of the study; the bibliographic-descriptive method and secondary analysis of the results of specific scientific and sociological research conducted by Ukrainian and international scientists were implemented to deepen the research with valuable secondary scientific information.

Based on the results of the conducted survey, we set ourselves the ambitious task of understanding the prospects for radio broadcasting progress under the current conditions of turbulence in the information space of Ukraine. For this purpose, it is necessary to outline the potential and relevance of radio in the modern media space, to find out what expectations the users have from the radio product, and to determine the vectors of its progress under the conditions of the post-war information space.

Results. The progress of over-the-air radio broadcasting in the structure of social information for the population during the war, as a central public media channel for operational notification, informing about current events, and relieving the emotional tension of Ukrainians in stressful conditions, is studied. Using the quantitative results of the conducted empirical research, the author’s hypothesis about the increase in the level of receptivity and demand for radio content in the structure of weekly listening to the air by Ukrainians within the country in conditions of limited access to electricity supply and network coverage of mobile operators and the Internet has been proven. The reorientation of Ukrainian youth towards Ukrainian music content, their refusal to listen to Russian music, and their replacement of it with Ukrainian and international (except for the aggressor country) musical compositions of various styles were noted.

Novelty. For the first time, the prospects for radio broadcasting progress in the modern conditions of turbulence in the information space of Ukraine were thought out. For this purpose, the potential and relevance of radio in the modern media space were outlined, the expectations of users of the radio product were clarified, and the vectors of its progress in the conditions of the post-war information space were determined.

Practical importance. The practical significance of the research results lies in supplementing the scientific discourse with the results of empirical research, rethinking the potential of radio broadcasting as the most accessible and efficient media in wartime.

Key words: radio signal availability, empirical research, information war, radio efficiency, Ukrainiani­zation of the radio space, Ukrainian-language radio broadcasting, Ukrainian-language musical content.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2023.1(53).5


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