Content of Tiktok as a Motivator for Teen Reading

О. Kovalova


The purpose of the article is to analyze the publications of the «booktok» book community, their influence on adolescent reading, and the determination of the corresponding effectiveness for adolescent reading culture.

Research methodology. The research was conducted through media monitoring of TikTok publications from September 1, 2022, to August 31, 2023. The chosen period for media monitoring, covering the full academic year in Ukraine, allows for studying the impact of TikTok on adolescent reading habits during the school year. Considering the coincidence of this time interval with the beginning of the full-scale war between Russia and Ukraine, the research provides an opportunity to determine how political events influence media behavior and adolescent interest in reading. During the media monitoring, the content, themes, and characteristics of the content offered to adolescents on this platform were analyzed.

The results. Twelve cases were identified, confirming that «booktok» is a significant phenomenon in adolescent reading culture. Short videos on this platform contribute to the popularization of reading among adolescents, providing them with information about literary figures and books in a contemporary, understandable form. Booktok, as a social network, promotes interaction and discussion, and the analyzed cases confirmed a high level of audience engagement with this content (likes, comments, reactions). The analyzed cases formed a group of five problematic aspects: the role of books in adolescents' lives; the influence of circumstances on adolescents' choice of books to read; adolescents' perception of writers and their literary works; the role of creative methods of learning and promoting literature; reading as an indicator of adolescents' self-development.

Novelty. The obtained results refute the theory of the decline of reading culture among adolescents.

This study has practical significance for the development of effective strategies for literary education and cultural enlightenment among adolescents in the era of digital media.

Key words: teenage reading, reading culture, reading of adolescents, booktok, TikTok, social network.


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