The Portrait Essay in the Communicative Discourse of Soviet Media (an Analysis of Ukrainian Magazine Press)
The purpose of the clarify the specifics of the portrait essay in Ukrainian SSR magazines – «Ukraina», «Nauka i zhyttia», «Radianska zhinka», «Mysteststvo», «Ukrayinskyi teatr», to identify the main trends of the Soviet press, to highlight its organizational role, and to outline its importance in shaping public consciousness.
Research methodology. To achieve the stated goal, the following methods were used: concrete historical method of press research; comparative analysis and generalization – in the study of the themes and genres of publications. These methods were used to clarify the role of the portrait essay in the propaganda of communist ideology and the formation of public consciousness.
Results. The publication comprehensively examines the role of the Ukrainian SSR magazine press in shaping public consciousness, highlights genre specifics, and demonstrates how the party-Soviet press, using the portrait essay, influenced the general public. The portrait essay was an important tool of propaganda and formation of public consciousness of the Soviet mass media. As a genre, it had its own characteristics related to the ideological direction of the Soviet government. Through the portrait essay, the Soviet press highlighted the labor achievements of citizens, educated the younger generation (workers, scientists, intelligentsia, workers, peasants) in conditions of one-dimensionality, unipolarity, single ideology, monoculture. It was a kind of programming of beliefs, ideological attitudes, moral aspirations, spiritual needs and even mental states. The press used the display of ideals, examples of labor and military prowess as an important factor in communist propaganda.
The novelty. It is traced how, over a long period, the portrait essay in the Soviet mass media was a means of ideological influence, a factor of economic and moral stimulation of the masses.
Practical significance. The obtained data contribute to the improvement of modern media, neutralization of harmful influences on the development of national journalism, and protection of Ukrainian society from neo-totalitarian manifestations.
Key words: totalitarian journalism, press genres, portrait essay, communist society, labor experience, labor exploits, glorification of vanguards, activation of social movements, manipulation of consciousness.
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