Gerontological Ageism in Media

N. Tiapkina, M. Kliuieva


The purpose of our research is to characterize gerontological ageism in the mass media discourse of the period of the Russian-Ukrainian war as a reflection of social practices and the creation of virtual realities. The tasks are the description of the discriminatory nature of gerontological ageism, its manifestations, the actualization of the concept of "gerontological media ageism", the identification of stereotypical ideas about older people in public space as a means of creating virtual realities.

Research methodology. For the research, we used the methods of analysis and synthesis, systematization of data and their interpretation, conducted a survey in the format of an online questionnaire, the purpose of which is to reveal the most common stereotypes of Ukrainian Facebook users.

Results. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, we updated the approaches to understanding the categories «gerontological ageism», «gerontological media ageism», characterized the main reasons for its manifestation in the field of social communications and the peculiarities of its implementation in the media in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Novelty. We have systematized information about gerontological media ageism, taking into account the realities of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The practical significance. The results of the research can be used in the process of studying courses on human rights issues, understanding the potential of the media in the formation and destruction of stereotypes and prejudices, and can also be used by practitioners in the information field to understand their own responsibility for forming the image of an elderly person through the media.

Key words: gerontological ageism, gerontological media ageism, media image, stereotype, inclusion, exclusion.


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